Extrusion tip options

Several extrusion tip materials may be available depending on your extrusion needs. The table below provides an overview of materials available. Relative durability and price will help determining which one will be ideal for your particular application. Please discuss your extrusion needs with an Esteves expert to make sure you use the best and most cost-effective extrusion tip.


Tip insert materialSteel TipSolid Carbide TipCarbide Insert TipDiamond Insert Tip
Size range availability (1)
[1.0 mm]
[1.2 mm]
[0.6 mm]
[0.25 mm]
[125 mm]
[8.0 mm]
[5.0 mm]
[4.0 mm]
Approx. relative durability (2)
Non-ferrous< 1x1x1x17 – 500x
Ferrous< 1x1x1x4 – 70x
  1. The size range is for indication only. The maximum and minimum size depends on the required tip geometry. Please ask Esteves Group for guidance.
  2. Relative durability is a comparison to tungsten carbide tips. The durability is for indication only and can differ depending on the insulation material, extrusion temperature, and extrusion speed.
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